• +90 538 570 6799 | +49 1766 827 4016
  • info@smartdiplomats.com
  • Istanbul, Turkiye.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We take the privacy of our community of users very seriously, and want you to be fully aware of what information we collect via our website and online applications and what that information is used for.

Our Website and Registration Forms
Registering on our website allows us to communicate with those interested in our programs. Participants must be 16 years of age or older to register on any of our websites we will have the option to register directly for individual, with advance parental/legal guarding approval.

If we learn we have received personal information from or about a child under thirteen (13) without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information immediately. If you believe we might have any information from or about a child under thirteen (13) without parental consent, please contact us immediately at info@smartdiplomats.com

Registering on our websites gives Smart Diplomats MUN Impact consent to communicate via email with our members by providing monthly newsletters, information about upcoming events or community-wide news. If, at any time, you wish to be removed from our mailing list, simply email info@smartdiplomats.com with your request.

Information We Collect
In order to register you for events, contact you with program updates and enable your participation, we collect the following personal identifying information:
• Name
• Email Address
• Gender
• City and Country of Residence
• Date of Birth/Age
• Grade in School
• Parent/Guardian Name and Contact Information
• Non-identifiable geo-location pins

We also collect information about your Model UN experience and other activities related to MUN Impact programs.

• School Name and Contact Information
• MUN Director and Contact Information
• Level of MUN experience, including conference and leadership experience.

How we use your information

Smart Diplomats and its programs use your information in the following manner to enhance your MUN Impact experience:

• To assign you to debates, courses, programs or presentations that you have expressed interest in.
• To send you updates, newsletters, surveys and feedback forms related to our programs.
• To share non-identifiable information in public facing dashboards, maps and announcements.

We seek this information to enable your full participation in our programs and providing it will greatly enhance your Smart Diplomats MUN experience. Of course, you may choose to limit the information you share with us. However, this may impact your ability to access or utilize our program.

To comply with any court order, law, or legal process, including to respond to any government or regulatory interest; If we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of the website, our users, or others; or For any other purpose disclosed by us when you provide the information. We may disclose aggregated information about our users, which means information that does not identify any individual, without restriction. As an example, we may include in our marketing materials that a certain percentage of our users are female, but we won’t share a list of all female users in these materials.

Who has access to your information
Staff and volunteers will have access to your information in order to help them provide Smart Diplomats MUN programs and services to you. If you register on third party platforms that Smart Diplomats uses, those entities will also have your submitted information. This includes:

• Google

• Trello

• Zoom

You may choose to not be on these platforms. However, this may impact your ability to access or utilize our program.

You can review and change your personal information by logging into our website and visiting your account page or by contacting us to update your personal information. You may also send us an email to request access to correct or delete any personal information you may have provided us. We may not accommodate a request to change information if we believe the change would violate any law or legal requirements or cause the information to be incorrect.

We do not sell, share or lend names and contact information to third parties. Smart Diplomats will not share your information without your prior, express approval and will contact you should we require your permission.