Photography and/or videography in committee sessions by faculty advisors and other delegates during the sessions of the conference is strictly prohibited.
Discrimination or harassment based on sex, sexual orientation, race, marital status, gender identity or expression, creed, age, colour, disability, political or religious belief by any conference participant will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
All clauses must be written in committee, with no exceptions. Any delegate found having pre-written parts of resolutions will be barred from consideration for awards.
Delegates are not allowed to use their computers until after the second committee session, and they must receive permission from the Dais from then onwards. The Dais can allow a select number of delegates to exit the committee room to type up the paper/resolution while the rest of the committee is debating. Otherwise, all working papers and resolutions will be typed up by the delegates during unmoderated caucuses. Computer privileges will be revoked if delegates are utilizing them for purposes other than attending committee and writing portions of their papers.
All delegates must wear Western Business Attire during every committee session.
In each committee, the committee staff will give the following awards: “Best Delegate,”, “Outstanding Delegate,” and “Honorable Mention.” Criteria for these awards include quality of position paper, leadership skills, quality of contributions to formal debate, and diplomacy. This year, committee staff will also give out awards for “Best Position Paper” in their committee to acknowledge those students who came most thoroughly prepared and exhibited written acumen in addressing the committee topics.
Position papers are due on January 10, 2024. More information regarding submissions can be found in individual background guides. See the “Position Paper Guidelines” page for more information and submission instructions. Delegates must submit one position paper per topic to be eligible for awards.
Plagiarism is not tolerated at SDMUN. Any position papers, speeches, or draft resolutions that are determined to be plagiarized will be reported to faculty advisors and the Secretariat team and the responsible delegate(s) will not be eligible for awards.