• +90 538 570 6799 | +49 1766 827 4016
  • info@smartdiplomats.com
  • Istanbul, Turkiye.

Development Partners

What does the Smart Diplomats offer?​

Hi MUN Organization,

Smart Diplomats is always looking to partner with other MUN organizations. Partnering with us includes official inclusion in our program, distributed at our conference, promotion in our newsletter, cross promotions on social media, the sharing of committee ideas and background guides, and the distribution of conference information to participating schools and advisers and recognition our webpage and in the opening and closing speeches at our conference. Moreover, we will be pleased if a Delegation and one c­hair of your association is interested in joining our upcoming Smart Diplomats MUN Virtual & Offline Conferences. In our Zoom meeting, we'll talk about partnership discounts for delegates.
SDMUN Istanbul Conference where we'll be delivering the theme "Peace through Diplomacy ''.
💪🤝 Exciting debates ahead in two councils:
Becoming a Colloborative MUN Partner gives your organization the opportunity to develop an on-going relationship with the conference delegates. The package is designed to give organizations a strong presence at the conference.
By placing an advertisement with SDMUN, you can highlight your organization’s activities and programs, or just welcome delegates to the conference on behalf of your organization.
Your logo will be shown prominently on the Smart Nation & Smart Diplomats website and will redirect a click on logo to your official website.

The right to set up a stand and place one Roll-up Banner in the Sessions at Conference Hall.

1 keynote speech right in the opening ceremony and closing ceremony (15 minutes each)

Partner’s MUN logo with link will be placed on the Smart Nation & Smart Diplomats website.

1 seat at head table at the Gala Dinner.


United Nation Human Rights Council
Topic: The situation of the Uyghurs in China
United Nations High commission for Refugees (UNHCR)
Topic: Ensuring the Fundamental Rights of the Refugees in the Bergkarabach Conflict
UN Women
Discussing the issue of Female Genital Mutilation focusing on African and Middle Eastern countries
UN Environmental Assembly
Marine Plastic Litter and Microplastics
World Food Programme:
Ensuring food security in Afghanistan