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  • info@smartdiplomats.com
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General Instructions and Information

In order for you to be fully prepared for the sessions of SDMUN 2024, you should follow the next steps:

Get accustomed to the procedure of the conference by reading the Rules of Procedure, as well as by taking a look at the responsibilities, rights and role of all people involved in a MUN conference. You will find these in the relevant sections of this site.

Bear in mind that English should be both the official and the working language in all committees’ sessions. Any delegate that does not comply with this will be immediately called to order.

Take into serious consideration that each participant shall show courtesy and respect to the other representatives, the Secretariat, the Board, the Security Staff, the Organizing committee and the Media Team. Any representative who fails to respect diplomatic courtesy will be immediately called to order and, if required, expelled from the conference.

Read carefully the Study Guide of each Committee/Council and indulge yourselves in an individual research, while making sure to cover all aspects to your topic. Useful links will be provided not only in each Guide, but also in a separate section of this site.

Make sure you are fully aware of the policy of the country you are representing. Both the general policy as well as the topic under discussion-related policy of your delegation will come up handy for the purposes of the conference. Apart from this, general information on your country’s status and position in the world are also necessary (e.g. alliances, geopolitical state, natural resources etc.).

Always bear in mind that during the conference you will be representing a specific country and its policies and not your personal point of view on the issue being debated.

Take into serious consideration that SDMUN’s dress code requires formal attire, meaning suit and tie or bow-tie for gentlemen and formal dress/suit for ladies. Representatives not respecting the dress code of the conference during the formal sessions may be excluded from the conference at the discretion of the Secretariat or be asked to conform to the official dress code

All delegates that have been chosen to be the ambassadors of their delegation should prepare an Opening Speech for the conference’s opening ceremony. For more information on how to prepare them, where and when to send them, please visit the relevant section. The deadline for the submission of the Opening Speeches is the 24th of January, 23:59. (info@smartdiplomats.com)

As the last – and most important – remark, we should highlight that it is required for all delegates to submit to their Boards a Position Paper on the topic that they will be debating prior to the conference. For more information on what a Position Paper is and how to prepare it, please visit the relevant section.

The position papers must be sent individually by each delegate to the official email info@smartdiplomats.com of each committee/council they are placed in. Deadline for the submission of the Position Papers: 24th January, 2024.